
Sunday, August 2, 2015

Becoming a {Teacher} Blogger...

I have always loved the idea of being one of those one-million-followers-celebrity bloggers, and though my venture in the Teacher Blogger world is not likely to get that big, I am very excited about its possibilities in the field of education. We learn so much from each other (understatement of the year,) and my hope is that this blog will become one of those places where I can express my PASSION for teaching, document INNOVATIVE things happening in my room and in the classrooms around me, all while continuing to deepen my KNOWLEDGE of today's educational world by striving to learn each and every day. Anyone see what I did there?

Thus the name of my blog...Teaching with P.I.N.K.: Passion, Innovation 'N Knowledge. The blog name had absolutely nothing to do with my utter obsession with all things pink. It was simply a lucky connection. ;) In hopes that you will continue to visit my blog and not be scared you are going to have to read lengthy novels each time you come, I will keep this post short. I will end with a quote my fellow teacher and blogger friend TX Teaching Geek found for me: "Teaching is not my job, it's my passion; getting better at it- that's my job" -@josepopoff. Teaching truly is my passion, but honestly, so is getting better at it. I think of teaching just like I think of the other hobbies I enjoy (read: the other crafts that are taking over our office.) I find such joy in the process of continuously refining my craft of teaching, knowing I can never truly perfect it. In the end, the goal is not about us at all. Our prize is knowing that we made a difference in the lives of our children (#cliche #thetruth,) and to do that we must be passionate, innovative and knowledgeable in all that we do for them.



  1. We definitely need more teachers like you!!!! So proud of you! Love, Tina
