
Friday, August 14, 2015

Bitter, Sweet or Bittersweet

As I sit here on my last {week}day of summer break, I'm torn between what I feel personally and what I feel professionally, by what I can admit out loud and what I'm not supposed to actually say.

It's 4:15 pm as I type this post. This is the time next week I will be "released from my paid duties." {Am I the only one so immature that I totally just laughed at that? Oh you did too? #instantfriends} Today, however, I got to spend my day a little differently than my very near future weekdays. Let me break it down for you...

I woke up around 8:30 am, and for those of you without kids, that's "sleeping in" BIG TIME! That's it-took-me-all-summer-to-get-my-kids-to-sleep-that-late-but-now-we-will-have-to-start-getting-up-at-SIX-AM which means no-more-sleeping-in-on-the-weekends-either because kids-are-IMPOSSIBLE-to-sleep-train! After everyone made their way into my bed we turned on Mickey Mouse, thank goodness for DVR, and stayed in bed for about another 20 minutes just hanging out with the mouse and his friends, solving puzzles, and doing the hot dog dance. Who's with me?

Then I got everyone some milk, and made my way to the bathroom for some mommy alone time- LOL, yeah right. I did brush my teeth, but I did not put on make up and I did not do my hair, unless a giant messy bun counts as "done." I headed to the closet where even a t-shirt was too dressy for me today. I made it into work out shorts and a tank top. Btw, I still look this way, and it feels awesome!

I did have to run up to my school for a bit, and it just did not feel right. I mean it's the last weekday of my summer break. My head kept screaming, "GO HOME!" So, I left. I went to an 11 am Zumba class, as I was already dressed for the occasion. Oh how wonderful to be able to workout in the middle of the day and not at either 4:30 AM before the sun is even brave enough to come out, at 4:30 PM when the Texas heat is so bad it's a workout just to survive the hot car ride, or at 6:30 PM when I finally have my kids and I really just need to make dinner and play dress-up.

Then we headed home for lunch. Lunch was great, mostly because I didn't have to scarf it down in 15.2 seconds flat. Breathing is fun while you eat, much safer too! Guess what time it was after lunch? That's right...NAP TIME!!! Why kids don't like naps I'll never understand! I guess my kids knew how important today's nap was to me because they all went down (even the 4 year old who has decided she's too old for naps) without any arguments, threats, screams or tears. I got a solid hour and a half in before the baby wanted a milk snack. He fell back to sleep, and I made my way to the computer. When I got out of bed I had to snap this picture as proof of a perfect way to spend your last weekday of summer break...

Not much else to the day. It's not over yet, but we'll spend the rest of the night celebrating my stepmom's birthday by going out to dinner and eating chocolate cake! The literal icing on the cake/day!

This brings me to my whole point...should I be sad or excited about my last day of summer break? I mean who wakes up and says, "Boy, I can't wait to go back to work and leave my ______________ {fill in with sleeping in/babies/long lunch/crafting/free time, etc} behind!" To be very honest, I am really sad about missing out on so much of my kids in the coming months. They will now spend the majority of their day with someone other than me. They might do some "firsts" with someone other than me. When they get hurt they will run to someone other than me. The only part of me they will get throughout the weekday will be the evenings when they are hungry and tired and therefore very irritable. :(

However, to be very honest, I am also really excited about going back to work. I LOVE my job! I feel so very fortunate that since I do need to work and leave my kids at Nana and Grandpa's Daycare, at least I absolutely LOVE my job!! I could list the many, many reasons #myjobisbetterthanyours, but I'm sure Blogger has a character limit that it will exceed. I mean, I get to teach kids! I get to read with them, watch them learn, watch them grow, watch them laugh at my jokes, watch them not laugh at my jokes because apparently only I get them, watch them make friends, watch them discover new things, watch them...oops I promised I wouldn't start listing. Sorry!

So today, I spent the day with my family doing the things I enjoy while wearing workout clothes and no make-up. In the words of Rapunzel- "Best Day EVVVEERRRRR!" On Monday, I will spend the day with my colleagues learning new skills and procedures and working on my classroom. Then a week from Tuesday, I will be hugging, high-fiving and fist bumping my new students! There is so much fun and excitement coming my way in the next couple of weeks.

There lies my feelings about today- bitter, sweet and bittersweet. Thank you, God, for blessing me with a job that I can be truly excited to go back to when I have to stop hanging out with my babies all day every day! I am so very lucky!

For those of you teachers who have already started back or are about to begin the next school year, I wish you a very SWEET 2015-2016!



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